On November 6, ANQA organised another "Academic Programme Enhancement: Presenting Best Practices" workshop, which was attended by over 70 specialists from various Armenian HEIs.
On November 4-6, as part of the institutional accreditation process, ANQA’s expert panel conducts external review at the Berd State Multifunctional College.
On October 24-25, ENQA General Assembly took place in Malta. ANQA participated as an ENQA member, represented by Director Ruben Topchyan and Head of the Institutional and Programme Accreditation Division Varduhi Gyulazyan.
On October 30-31, at ANQA’s initiative, Armenia piloted the ETF diagnostic tool for VET developed by the European Training Foundation (ETF). The aim was to assess the current state of the VET system, identify best practices and bring out enhancement opportunities.
On October 21-25, as part of the Erasmus+ DeSIRe project, a training for members of project consortium and a regular meeting of the project management took place at the University of Granada, Spain. ANQA was represented by Meri Barseghyan, specialist at Policy Development Division, and Alina Melkonyan, communication technology responsible.
The Steering Committee of ESU’s Quality Assurance ( ...
The objectives of the workshop are:
...National Center for Professional Education Quality Assura ...