On October 16-19, within the scope of the institutional accreditation process, ANQA’s expert panel carries out external review at Yerevan State Musical-pedagogical College named after A. Babajanyan.
Thanks to the Erasmus+ SMARTI project, five Armenian HEIs will have EMI (English-Medium Instruction) centers that have undergone external review and will offer two English-taught modules. ANQA will be the coordinator of the process.
On October 12, 2023, the inaugural session of the National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation was held, following the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia's Decree No. 996-A, approved on October 4, 2023. The agenda included the election of the Board's chair.
On October 11, ANQA held a meeting with expert panels formed within the scope of the accreditation process of the French-Armenian Vocational Education Center, Sevan Multifunctional State College, Vanadzor State Medical College and Yerevan State Musical-pedagogical College named after Arno Babajanyan.
The Steering Committee of ESU’s Quality Assurance ( ...
The objectives of the workshop are:
...National Center for Professional Education Quality Assura ...